2017-05-18 00:00
Helena Nilsson

Welcome to our world of Medevi organic skin care products.

"When can I buy directly in your web-shop when I live outside of Sweden?" 

A lot of you have asked us this question during the years and we finally have an answer for you.

We have now started the process and have opend up our web-shop for most countries in Europe. More information further down.

Organic skincare

We produce our organic skin care products at Medevi Brunn, the oldest SPA in Sweden and Scandinavia (1678). We manufacture a variety of moisturizers, lipbalms, serums, bath and bodyproducts as well as several sports products like ointments, chamoi cream, massageoils and liniments etc.

Medevi Sportproducts

This is also where the famous ”RumpRäddaren” is made. Medevi Ringblomssalva Tea tree, (The butt-savior) a chamois creme to serve thousands of cyclists who participate in the big bikerace Vätternrundan, 300km around our beautiful lake Vättern each year in June. RumpRäddaren is an ointment to prevent and treat blisters and chafings like saddlesores, but also sore feet and chafings under the arms when running Marathons, longdistance Triathlon etc. Our customers are both proffesionals anda amateurs. Our sportproducts also include a series of organic Arnicaliniments to help keep the muscles in shape. Both the marigold ointment and the liniments are 100% organic.

Rumpräddaren, Medevi Ringblomsalva Tea tree, The best to prevent saddlesore.


Do you want to order our products and live outside of Sweden?

From most European countrys you can now order directly in the web-shop and pay with your creditcard. 

- Choose the products you want to order
- Choose country (if Norway, see more info further down)
- Klick freight Europe
- Klick payment with your credit card
- Type in your contact information and finish your transaction


If your country is not yet available in the webshop, you start by sending us an E-mail to: order@medevisalvan.se, telling us what you want to order. 

Be sure to include:
- Artikelnumber
- Name of the produkt and what size.
- Quantity
- Your name and adress
- Your phone number
- Email if you want deliveryinformation to another email account

We will then answer with information on Total cost and bank account number. As soon as we see your payment on our bankaccount we will send you  the products.


If you order from Norway, swedish taxes will be deducted from the prices you pay here, but norwegen taxes and customsfees will be charged at delivery.

Welcome with your order.

 Cycling season and need to prevent saddle-sore? Order from Medevi.

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions.


Helena, Bengt and coworkers.

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